Cassie Means, Cool June & Will Marion
Por: Cassie Means Crew, el jueves, 6 de junio de 2013
Cassie Means will be performing together with the band Cool June and her boyfriend Will Marion this June 11th in Nashville TN. at 20:00 hrs.
Purchase tickets online HERE
¡New Photos!
Por: Cassie Means Crew, el jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013
We added 3 new photos you've uploaded Cassie
Instagram ¡New Photos!
Por: Cassie Means Crew, el martes, 28 de mayo de 2013
¡New Photos!
Por: Cassie Means Crew, el lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013
Memorial Day
Por: Cassie Means Crew, el
Memorial Day is celebrated the last Monday in May in order to remind the American soldiers who died in combat. Initially it was established to commemorate the fallen soldiers of the American Union who participated in the American Civil War, but after the First World War was extended to honor all American soldiers killed in the wars in which the country participated.
In 1971 the U.S. Congress passed the National Holidays Act. It was the moment we decided that Memorial Day would be celebrated the last Monday in May, with a weekend with three days of mourning. It is common for the president of the United States give a speech on this date in which recall the work of fallen soldiers.
New Design
Por: Cassie Means Crew, el
New Design
I present the new design of the page, in dark and reddish tones, thanks to Deluxelabel (visit their website, very good designs). Step back to tell you more pictures and more information!, So do not forget to visit our page. THANKS
Happy first anniversary!
Por: Cassie Means Crew, el viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012
Exactly one year ago we opened this website, the first official source of Cassie Means. We never thought that so quickly reached creecer much, thank you who have not done it without the great support from all of you, but especially thanks for the great support they give to her, Cassie is that this year was good and hopefully in the next will be better. We'll be here every year you say. But I would like to thank especially
Karen @ SupportCassieM: Karen, I can say thank you very much for aver little time with me, by aver agreed to open this great website! I miss you come back soon.
Mary @ maryschmidtxo: Mary!, One of the first girls who gave me that support I needed, you gave me the confidence and THANKS for the great support! I love Mary
Andy @ glori2933: another great girls who was at first my sister with me (as Mary) Thanks for the support and you're always there for me. Many Thanks Andy I love you
Mariana @ KatelynTarverMx: Marianita even in these last days that we could not speak well, you know I love you and miss you: Thank you for being the first in lean little people like Andy and Mary, for giving me your trust! I love you.
Anni @ AnnickJonas: by making the first design that took the page! eternally be grateful with you THANKS.
Mid night desings: for creating this beautiful design: ')
& Finally the most important to Cassie Means. for this opportunity and provide confidence in a fan page! Thank you mam!
And thank you for continuing to visit the site love you, God bless.